Gustavo Santos

Gustavo Santos

Personal Page


Refereed Articles in International Journals

Danilo Silva, João Paulo da Silva, Gustavo Santos, Ricardo Terra, and Marco Tulio Valente.
RefDiff 2.0: A Multi-language Refactoring Detection Tool.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pages 1-17, 2020. PDF

Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer, Alejandra Siles Antezana, Gustavo Santos, and Alexandre Bergel.
Improving the Success Rate of Applying the Extract Method Refactoring.
Science of Computer Programming, vol. 195, pages 1-13, 2020.DOI PDF

Refereed Articles in International Conferences

Gustavo Santos, Klérisson Paixão, Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien, Marcelo Maia, and Stéphane Ducasse.
Recommending Source Code Locations for System Specific Transformations.
In 24th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER), pages 160-170, 2017. PDF

Gustavo Santos, Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien, Stéphane Ducasse, and Marco Tulio Valente.
Recording and Replaying System Specific, Source Code Transformations.
In 15th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), pages 221-230, 2015. PDF

Gustavo Santos, Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien, Stéphane Ducasse, and Marco Tulio Valente.
System Specific, Source Code Transformations.
In 31st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), pages 221-230, 2015. PDF

Gustavo Santos, Nicolas Anquetil, Anne Etien, Stéphane Ducasse, and Marco Tulio Valente.
OrionPlanning: Improving Modularization and Checking Consistency on Software Architecture.
In 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), pages 190-194, 2015. PDF

Gustavo Santos, Marco Tulio Valente, and Nicolas Anquetil.
Remodularization Analysis Using Semantic Clustering.
In IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), pages 224-233, 2014. PDF

Roberto A. Bittencourt, Gustavo J.S. Santos, Dalton D.S. Guerrero, and Gail C. Murphy.
Improving Automated Mapping in Reflexion Models using Information Retrieval Techniques.
In 17th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 2010.

Refereed Articles in International Workshops

Miguel Ramos, Marco Tulio Valente, Ricardo Terra, Gustavo Santos.
AngularJS in the Wild: A Survey with 460 Developers.
In 7th Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU), 2016. PDF

Markiyan Rizun, Gustavo Santos, Stéphane Ducasse, and Camille Teruel.
Phorms: Pattern Combinator Library for Pharo.
International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST). 2016. PDF

Refereed Articles in Brazilian Conferences

Izabela Melo, Gustavo Santos, Dalton Serey, and Marco Tulio Valente.
Percepções de 395 Desenvolvedores sobre Documentação e Verificação de Arquiteturas de Software.
X Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software (SBCARS), 2016. PDF

Gustavo Santos, Katyusco Santos, Marco Tulio Valente, Dalton Serey, and Nicolas Anquetil.
TopicViewer: Evaluating Remodularizations Using Semantic Clustering.
IV Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft, Sessão de Ferramentas), 2013. PDF

PhD Thesis

Assessing and Improving Code Transformations to Support Software Evolution, 2017. PDF

Master Thesis

Remodularization Analysis Using Semantic Clustering, 2014. PDF